345 CW: –

NOTICES  12th – 16th March 2018

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Carlswald House Preparatory School

@CarlswaldHouse – Official Twitter account for Carlswald House Prep School.

@CHPCougars- Official Twitter account for the Carlswald House Prep School Sports Department.

School Photos: – Individual Photos and Sibling Photos:  Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th March.  Please ensure your child is at school on these days.

Public Holiday: Human Rights Day Wednesday 21st March- School is closed.  School will re-open on Thursday 22nd March at 7:00am.

Holiday Fun Club: The April school holidays are almost upon us.  Letters regarding Holiday Fun Club, has been emailed on Friday 9th March. Your child will also bring a copy home with them Today.  If you would like your child to join the Holiday Fun Club, please complete the reply slip and send in by Monday 19th March.  Please only complete the form if you want your child to attend the Holiday Fun Club.

Dental Screening: Gr000 classes and Gr 00 Class will be having their Dental Screening on Tuesday 27th March.

Swimming:  New enrolments for swimming, please email Mr Anthony Lord with queries regarding swimming: lord.a@carlswaldhouse.co.za

Extra murals:  We have Ballet, Karate, Little Kickers, Pottery, Little Lab Coats and Dance Mouse. Please contact the individual activities directly for all information, enrolments and payments. 

Accounts: Please ensure all fees are paid on or before the 7th of the month.   Please note:  If we do not receive your payment by the 7th of the month, a late fee penalty of R500 will be charged to your account if no prior payment arrangement has been made.   Please email Joanne Bevan if you have any queries: fees@carlswaldhouse.co.za

Dates to Diarise

Public Holiday: Wednesday 21st March

Dental Screening: GR 000-00 Tuesday 27th March

Public Holiday: Friday 30th March (Good Friday)

Public Holiday: Monday 2nd April (Family Day)

Family Fun Day: Saturday 7th April (compulsory school day)