345 CW: –

NOTICES 18th – 22nd March 2019

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Carlswald House Preparatory School

@CHPCougars- Official Twitter account for the Carlswald House Prep School Sports Department.


Very Important: Please Take Note of the following:  Parents when you receive emails from the ED-Admin email, please Do Not reply to this email.  Mails sent from Ed Admin are system generated emails.  Please direct all your emails to admin@carlswaldhouse.co.za , admin@345.co.za , fees@carlswaldhouse.co.za


345 April Holiday Programme:  On Friday 15th March an email was sent out to complete the April Holiday programme survey.  345 will be open during the April Holidays at no extra cost. Please complete the survey as soon as possible so that we can plan for the April holiday.  Click on the link to complete the survey.



Opening Times: Parents, no child may be brought to school or dropped off before 6:30am! The gates will remain closed.


Aftercare:  Parents as of the 1st March please note that children waiting for their older sibling to finish an activity will be signed into aftercare and you will be billed.  The number of siblings has grown substantially at 345 and CHP and as a school, we are now unable to accommodate and supervise children waiting for siblings to finish their co-curricular activities for free any longer. Therefore, they would need to be collected as soon as they have finished with school or they will be signed into aftercare and cared for.


Public Holiday: Human Rights Day Thursday 21st March- School is closed.

School Holiday: Friday 22nd March- School is closed.  There is No holiday care on this day.  School will re-open on Monday 25th March.


Auditory Screening:  The auditory screening will be done today. Only children that have signed consent forms will be screened.  Your school fee account will be billed for the auditory screening.


Swimming:  345 Swim School: If you would like to enrol your child for swimming, please email Karen Visser on fees@carlswaldhouse.co.za


Extra murals:  We have Ballet, Karate, Little Kickers, Pottery, Little Lab Coats and Dance Mouse.  They completed their demos for your little ones and they have sent their information in your child’s communication books.  You must contact the individual activities directly for all information, enrolments and payments.

AccountsAll statements for April will be emailed on 25th March 2019.  Please check your email inboxes as well as your Spam and Junk mail.  Please ensure all fees are paid on or before the 7th of the month.   Please note:  If we do not receive your payment by the 7th of the month, a late fee penalty of R500 will be charged to your account if no prior payment arrangement has been made.   Please email Karen Visser if you have any queries: fees@carlswaldhouse.co.za

You Debit Order will go off on the 1st April.

Please ensure you have completed the Debit Order permission form.


Dates to Diarise

Public Holiday: Thursday 21st March- Human Rights Day

School Holiday: Friday 22nd March – School will be closed

CHP Concert: Saturday 6th April – Rivonia Barnyard Theatre

End of Term 1: School closes Friday 12th April at 11:00am.  School re-opens on Tuesday 7th May at 7:00am