345 Vorna Valley Notices

NOTICES 30th May – 3rd  June 2016


IQAA School Evaluation: Parents the online survey opens Monday 30th May, the links will be emailed to you.  Please take time and complete the survey.  This is very important for our school.

Winter term:  The cold winter days are upon us.  Please ensure your child is dressed warmly and all clothes are clearly labelled.  If your child is sick, please do not send them to school.

 Swimming:  Swimming will continue through the month of May.  Swim School will close for June, July and August and resume again in September.

ATTENTION GRADE R: Applications for Grade 1 2017 are now open at Carlswald House Preparatory.  

Please collect applications from Sharon Maytom. Vorna Valley children will be given preference for a limited time. Don’t delay!

Accounts:  Please remember to pay your accounts timeously each month.  Payments are due by the 7th of each month.

Please note:  If we do not receive your payment by the 7th of the month, a late fee penalty of R500-00 will be charged to your account if no prior payment arrangement has been made.

Please email Sharon Maytom: adminvornavalley@345.co.za.


Dates to Diarise

Youth Day:  Thursday 16th June (Public Holiday)

School Holiday: Friday 17th June

Sports Day: 23rd July