345 VV: –

NOTICES: 28th  MARCH – 1st APRIL 2022

South Africa is currently on adjusted Lockdown Level 1.  The following protocols must be followed:

  • Absolute transparency regarding possible contact at work or at home, informing the school immediately. 
  • Strict adherence to Covid-19 protocols by pupils, parents, and guardians.
  • Parents are not permitted to walk through the school. Please report to reception.

Your co-operation will be appreciated. We are determined to do everything in our power to keep your children and staff safe.


What’s New….?

  • Family Fun Afternoon and Movie: Family Fun Afternoon and Movie Night will be held on Friday 8th April at CHP. If you have bought your ticket bands please make sure to keep them in a safe place.  If you haven’t bought your ticket bands, please do so, tickets are now on sale at R150 per child.  Parents – NO Charge.  You can purchase tickets from the office or your class teacher.


  • April Holiday Programme: 345 VV will remain open during the Month of April. A fun, holiday programme will be followed during this time. 345 will only be closed on the following days:
  • 15th April- Good Friday
  • 18th April – Family Day
  • 27th April – Freedom Day
  • 2nd May – Public Holiday for Workers Day


  • 345 Swim School – April, May, June, and July: Parents, please remember that 345 Swim School remains open and operational during April, May, June and July. We have made some changes to our heating system to try and ensure that the water temperature remains constant during Winter. We encourage you to allow your children to swim throughout the Winter season.  If you do not want them to swim, please ensure that you give the Swim School 1 months’ notice when cancelling.


  • Accounts:   All statements for April have been emailed.  Please check your email inboxes as well as your Spam and Junk mail.   Please ensure all fees are paid on or before the 7th of the month.  Please note:  If we do not receive your payment by the 7th of the month, a late fee penalty of R500 will be charged to your account if no prior payment arrangement has been made.  Please email Karen Visser if you have any queries: fees@carlswaldhouse.co.za   Please ensure you have completed the Debit Order permission form.




  • Extra murals: We have Ballet, Karate, SoccerStarz, Pottery, Little Lab Coats, Monkeynastix and Dance Mouse.  You must contact the individual activities directly for all information, enrolments, and payments.



Dates to Diarise

  • Family Fun Afternoon and Movie Night: Friday 8th April at CHP – Please purchase your tickets
  • Slipper Day– Friday 6th May – Reach for a Dream Foundation – Tickets R20 – children are allowed to wear slippers if they purchase a ticket.