Vorna Valley 345 Weekly Notices

5th – 9th  February 2024


Dates to Diarise:

Wednesday, 14th February    Valentine’s Day
Thursday, 15th  February Hearing Screenings. Email to be sent out with more details





Valentine’s Day

345 will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Wednesday 14th Feb.  Children may wear something red, white or pink. They can really come out and show that they share love and friendship.


School Fees

Please ensure all fees are paid on or before the 7th of the month.  Please note:  If we do not receive your payment by the 7th of the month, a late fee penalty of R500 will be charged to your account if no prior payment arrangement has been made.  Please email Karen Visser if you have any queries: fees@carlswaldhouse.co.za


Opening Times: Parents, no child may be brought to school or dropped off before 6:45am! The gates will remain closed.


Swimming:  345 Swim School: If you would like to enrol your child for swimming please email Karen Visser: fees@carlswaldhouse.co.za




 Weekly Reminders


  • Emails sent from Ed Admin are system generated. Please do not reply to these and rather direct all your emails to adminvornavalley@345.co.za
  • The school gate opens at 6:45am. No child may be dropped off before this time.
  • We require a month’s notice to change from Half Day to Full Day or Full Day to Half Day, and month’s notice if you want to cancel swimming.
  • Ballet, Karate, SoccerStarz, Tumbling Tigers, Pottery, Little Lab Coats, Monkeynastix and Dance Mouse are extra cost activities.  You must contact the individual activities directly for all information, enrolments and payments.
  • Please ensure all clothing items are labelled
  • Please ensure all fees are paid on or before the 7th of the month. Please contact Karen Visser if you have any queries: fees@carlswaldhouse.co.za Please ensure Debit Order permission forms have been completed.