345 Vorna Valley: –

NOTICES 10th – 14th February 2020

Another awesome week is about to start.  Everyone is in routine with many bright and happy faces arriving in the mornings, gearing up for the day ahead.


What’s New….?

  • Valentine’s Day: 345 will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Friday 14th Feb. Children must wear something red, white or pink. They can really go all out to show that they share love and friendship.


  • Swimming – 345 Swim School: Parents, can your child swim? If not, please enrol your child for swimming lessons at 345 Swim School. Contact Mr Anthony Lord on:  lord.a@carlswaldhouse.co.za


  • Very Important: Please Take Note of the following Parents when you receive emails from the ED-Admin email, please Do Not reply to this email.  Mails sent from Ed Admin are system generated emails. Please direct all your emails to: adminvornavalley@345.co.za or fees@carlswaldhouse.co.za


  • Opening Times: Parents, no child may be brought to school or dropped off before 6:40am! The gates will remain closed.


  • Extra murals:  We have Ballet, Karate, Soccer Starz, Pottery and Little Lab Coats.  They have completed their demos for your little ones and sent their information in your child’s communication books, there are extra application forms in the office.  You must contact the individual activities directly for all information, enrolments and payments.


  • AccountsAll statements for March will be emailed on Monday 24 February 2020.  Please ensure all fees are paid on or before the 7th of the month.    Please email Karen Visser if you have any queries: fees@carlswaldhouse.co.za


Please ensure you have completed the Debit Order permission form.




  • School closes every day at 5:30pm. There will be a late collection fee charged for children collected after 5.30pm
  • Half day ends at 2pm: There will be a late collection fee for children collected after 2pm.


Dates to Diarise

Valentine’s Day: 14th February (children can wear Red, White and Pink.)

Family Fun Day: 6th March – At CHP from 4pm. Details to follow

Photo Day: 10th March – Details to follow

Hearing Screenings: 16th March – Details to follow